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Home > Press > IVAM Microtechnology Network: Executive board was re-elected

The General Meeting of IVAM e.V has renewed its confidence in the five-member board. Dr. Frank Bartels from Bartels Mikrotechnik GmbH has been re-elected as president and Dr. Thomas Kritzler has been confirmed as vice president. The other board members, Dr. Lutz Aschke from LIMO Lissotschenko Mikrooptik GmbH, Dr. Olaf Kiesewetter from UST - Umweltsensortechnik GmbH and Dr. Hans van den Vlekkert from LioniX BV have been reconfirmed in office as well. The General Meeting of IVAM e.V. took place at the at the world's biggest industrial trade show, the HANNOVER MESSE, on April 8, 2013.

IVAM Microtechnology Network: Executive board was re-elected

Dortmund, Germany | Posted on April 21st, 2013


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