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USA Nano Initiatives

Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.

August 22nd, 2024
NASEM Will Hold Virtual Town Hall on September 5 as Part of Its Quadrennial Review of the NNI
Lynn L. Bergeson
Managing Director, Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.

As part of its quadrennial review of the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) will hold a virtual town hall on September 5, 2024, for stakeholders to share their thoughts on the future of nanotechnology in the United States. Read the Whole Article
Read additional articles in the Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. column

Barg Coffin Lewis & Trapp LLP

April 16th, 2015
Far-Reaching Information Request on Nanoscale Chemical Substances Proposed by EPA
Joshua A. Bloom
Partner, Barg Coffin Lewis & Trapp LLP

For the first time, and after multi-year negotiations with, and review by, the Office of Management and Budget, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is proposing to use its authority under the federal Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) to require companies to provide information on existing nanoscale materials, in addition to reporting for new discrete nanoscale materials before they are manufactured or processed. Read the Whole Article
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Christian Schoen

March 29th, 2021
Customer Spotlight - Control of Light Transmission in a Plasmonic Liquid Metacrystal
President, Nanopartz Inc.

Scientists from the Institut Jean Lamour (CNRS - Université de Lorraine) have demonstrated the control of light transmission through a slab of plasmonic liquid metacrystal by an external electric field. Read the Whole Article
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March 19th, 2021
Rethink Thin: Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition for Nanocoating Protection
Mallory McGuinness
Content Specialist, HZO

While several methodologies exist to apply nanocoatings to substrates, plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) draws attention due to appealing physical film properties and enhanced process control. This article offers a high-level look at the deposition methodology. Read the Whole Article
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Commercialising Nanomaterials


August 6th, 2018
From IPOs to ICOs: The graphene companies raising capital with cryptocurrency.
Tom Eldridge
Director and Co-founder, Fullerex Limited

The amount of money that blockchain related start-ups are raising through initial coin offerings (ICOs) has surpassed funding raised from traditional venture capital, with over $3.5 billion generated last year alone from this new investment model (1)(2). A wide range of industries including finance, healthcare, entertainment and real estate has been experimenting with incorporating blockchain technologies and now it seems that even graphene companies are claiming to have applications. But what is the use-case for blockchain in the world of graphene and should investors be wary? Read the Whole Article
Read additional articles in the Fullerex column

Nano Investing

Alan Shalleck-NanoClarity

June 12th, 2018
No Nanotechnology Unicorns Yet
Alan Shalleck
President, NanoClarity LLC

As yet no nanotechnology unicorns.- Nano ventures whose stock price soars beyond economic justification when taken public - exist. "No nano unicorns" is a far cry from the predicted breakthroughs and unique businesses that pundits told the investing world in 1999 would emerge from a dedicated focus on the 0.1 - 100.0 nanometer material world.
Nanotechnology based unicorns would swarm because of technological breakthroughs.Smart prognosticators predicted materials revolutions and a new economic growth phase.
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Should Investors Roll the Dice with Nanotechnology?

August 8th, 2011
Should Investors Roll the Dice with Nanotechnology?
Deborah Sweeney

Great rewards typically only come with great risks, and investing in Nanotechnology is a definite and substantial risk. But with all investment opportunities, potential backers of Nano-products need to determine whether the gamble is worth the initial risk, or if their money would be better spent on safer, older products. The answer to that is not very simple, and all investments should be considered carefully, but there are signs that it may not be such a bad idea to place a bet on Nanotech's future. Read the Whole Article
Read additional articles in the Should Investors Roll the Dice with Nanotechnology? column


May 19th, 2007
Does Nanotechnology need Venture Capital to be Successful?
Pearl Chin
Managing Director, Seraphima Ventures

How does a nanotechnology or any technology startup attract venture capital (VC) money? The need to exit is the end goal of any venture capital firm. However, what exactly does all this mean? We will look at some questions that should be asked before embarking on the VC path. Read the Whole Article
Read additional articles in the Pearl column

Nanotechnology Tomorrow

Graphene Updates

May 6th, 2017
Six things to keep in mind before launching your graphene project
Roni Peleg
Editor-in-chief, Graphene-Info

Graphene has become a well-known material, and its remarkable properties are attracting many R&D efforts across all sorts of applications and industries.

This article will touch upon the major issues one should take into account when considering the use of graphene in any form of product. Read the Whole Article
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The Future of Nanotechnology

September 1st, 2016
3 Steps for Building Your First Nanotech Prototype
Amanda Richter

The nanotechnology market represents huge potential for inventors. The global nanotechnology market is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 19.8 percent between now and 2019, when it will reach a value of $64.2 billion, according to BBC Research. Nanodevices, the fastest-growing market segment, are expected to grow at a CAGR of 34 percent. Read the Whole Article
Read additional articles in the The Future of Nanotechnology column

Nanosafety and Nonanimal Testing Methods

June 21st, 2016
Grouping and Read-Across Approaches for Nanomaterials
Monita Sharma
Nanotoxicology Specialist, PETA International Science Consortium Ltd.

Monita Sharma and Jodie Melbourne

Nanomaterials (NMs) are used in a variety of consumer products, including food, electronics, paints, and building materials. Read the Whole Article
Read additional articles in the Nanosafety and Nonanimal Testing Methods column

Nanotechnology and Zero Net Energy Housing

January 16th, 2015
Nanotechnology and Environmental Concerns
Brandon Engel

While nanotechnology has advanced humanity considerably in a short time (especially in terms of its medical applications), there are still some environmentalists and consumer advocates who are concerned about the use of nanotechnology in consumer goods. Read the Whole Article
Read additional articles in the Nanotechnology and Zero Net Energy Housing column

Center for Responsible Nanotechnology

November 21st, 2008
What the US can learn from the UK
Mike Treder
Center for Responsible Nanotechnology

A new report from the British goverment's Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution says "new governance arrangements are necessary" to deal with the profound implications of advanced nanotechnology, and warns that this "will take time, possibly decades, to develop and implement." It's gratifying to see these issues taken seriously (finally!) and we hope the US will follow the lead of their UK counterparts. Read the Whole Article
Read additional articles in the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology column


Nanotechnology Research Paper Help

August 15th, 2016
How to Write a Successful Research Paper on Nanotechnology
Alex Buffet

Nanotechnology is one of the most prospective fields nowadays whereas its achievements can be applied in numerous sciences starting from chemistry and finishing with engineering.
What is nanotechnology? Read the Whole Article
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Nanobots for Kids

October 12th, 2013
New Series of Nanotechnology for Kids Books Released
Mark Tomassoni
Owner, Metco Global

METCO Global released a new series of nanotechnology books for children and young adults by Mark E. Tomassoni. Marketed as, the six fully illustrated children books and five partially illustrated young adult books are designed to educate and entertain readers of all ages about the strengths and advantages of nanotechnology. Read the Whole Article
Read additional articles in the Nanobots for Kids column


Florida Polytechnic University

January 25th, 2016
Interview with Dr. Chris Coughlin
Christopher Coughlin
Associate Professor of Nanotechnology and Multifunctional Materials, Florida Polytechnic University

Interview with Dr. Christopher S. Coughlin, associate professor of nanotechnology and multifunctional materials at Florida Polytechnic University, on the future of nanotechnology and nanotechnology education. Dr. Coughlin's work has crossed many boundaries, from polymer research to pharmaceutical regulatory affairs and from consumer product development to composites engineering. Read the Whole Article
Read additional articles in the Florida Polytechnic University column

UAlbany College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering

September 13th, 2011
Nanotechnology and the baby boom come of age
J. Andres Melendez
CNSE Professor of Nanobioscience, UAlbany College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering

In 2010 the first baby boomers reached official retirement age and an additional 10,000 join the ranks on a daily basis(1). The influx of these 78 million retirees over the next 20 years will dramatically change the U.S. age profile and put a heavy burden on both the retirement and Medicare system. Nanoscience integrates engineering, physical and life sciences and has led to major advances in diagnostics and therapeutics for many age-associated diseases. Nanotechnology is leading to discoveries that will extend the working lifespan, decrease medical visits and significantly reduce burden on the rapidly depleting social retirement system. Federal, state and private investments in nanotechnology will help keep the baby boom from busting the bank. Read the Whole Article
Read additional articles in the UAlbany College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering column

Northeastern University School of Law

April 23rd, 2010
Conference on the Global Regulation of Nanotechnologies
Sonia E. Rolland
Northeastern University School of Law

This conference will bring together experts that are directly involved in the governance of nanotechnologies at the governmental level, in international organizations, in the industry and in non-governmental organizations. The presence and participation of representatives from emerging markets and producing countries, such as China, India and Korea will bring a truly global perspective to the proceedings. Read the Whole Article
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University of Idaho

April 30th, 2009
Ken Kingery
Science/Research Writer, University of Idaho

Scientists at the University of Idaho's Center for Advanced Microelectronics and Biomolecular Research (CAMBR) are using nanobiosensors capable of detecting MRSA - or any disease - in mere hours. In collaboration with the nanofacility at Cornell University, the team is zeroing in on nano-sized biosensors that use a signal detection molecule to detect molecules and proteins possessing any electrical charge, or no charge at all. Read the Whole Article
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July 31st, 2015
Never Limit Science
Tammy Gordin

Gods? Science? Should religion limit science? Should anything limit science? Read the Whole Article
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Cristian Orfescu

September 20th, 2012
Cris Orfescu
Founder, NanoArt21

FREE Entries - Open to All Artists and Scientists - Seed Images of 3 Nanosculptures are Provided for Further Artistic Creation
Submission deadline November 31, 2012 Read the Whole Article
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Polymerically Yours

April 7th, 2015
Nanofiltration and the Water Crisis
Adam Alonzi

The approaching water crisis will be solved by devices made possible by nanotechnology. Read the Whole Article
Read additional articles in the Polymerically Yours column

Nanomedicine: The Future of Medicine

August 24th, 2013
Nanomedicine: The Future of Medicine
Jill Young

Nanomedicine, refers to highly specific medical intervention at the molecular level for curing disease or repairing damaged tissues. Though in its infancy, could we be looking at the future of medicine? Early clinical trials certainly look promising. Read the Whole Article
Read additional articles in the Nanomedicine: The Future of Medicine column

Dr. Arun Kumar

November 24th, 2010
Initial Observations of Cell Mediated Drug Delivery to the Deep Lung
Arun Kumar
Director Nanomedicine Division,, Neuracon Biotech Inc

Using current methodologies, drug delivery to small airways, terminal bronchioles and alveoli (deep lung) is inefficient especially to the lower lungs. Urgent lung pathologies such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and post-lung transplantation complications are difficult to treat, in part, due to the methodological limitations in targeting the deep lung with high efficiency drug distribution to the site of pathology. To overcome drug delivery limitations inhibiting the optimization of deep lung therapy, isolated rat Sertoli cells pre-loaded with chitosan nanoparticles were use to obtain a high density distribution and concentration (92%) of the nanoparticles in the lungs of mice by way of the peripheral venous vasculature rather than the more commonly used pulmonary route. Additionally, Sertoli cells were pre-loaded with chitosan nanoparticles coupled with the anti-inflammatory compound curcumin and then injected intravenously into control or experimental mice with deep lung inflammation. By 24 hours post-injection, most of the curcumin load (~90%) delivered in the injected Sertoli cells was present and distributed throughout the lungs including the peri-alveloar sac area in the lower lungs. This was based on the high density, positive quantification of both nanoparticles and curcumin in the lungs. There was a marked positive therapeutic effect achieved 24 hours following curcumin treatment delivered by this Sertoli cell Nanoparticle Protocol (SNAP). Results identify a novel and efficient protocol for targeted delivery of drugs to the deep lung mediated by extra-testicular Sertoli cells. Utilization of SNAP delivery may optimize drug therapy for conditions such as ARDS, status asthmaticus, pulmonary hypertension, lung cancer and complications following lung transplantation where the use of high concentrations of anti-inflammatory drugs is desirable, but often limited by risks of systemic drug toxicity.
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Scientific Publishing

Keep Calm and Publish Papers

September 5th, 2014
Journals Advisors
Pawel Jerzy Wojcik
PhD in Nanotechnology and Nanoscience, New University of Lisbon

Having trouble finding the right journal in which to publish your recent paper? See what we have prepared for you to facilitate your choice. Read the Whole Article
Read additional articles in the Keep Calm and Publish Papers column

Nano Solar

Emerging Techniques for Organic Photovoltaics

July 29th, 2014
Nanoimprint Lithography: A Promising Technique for Efficient Polymer Solar Cells
Yi Yang
Sr. Engineer/Ph.D. Researcher, GlobalFoundries Inc./UT-Dallas

Nanoimprint lithography has emerged as a new technique to simultaneously control the active layer morphology and polymer chain orientation for efficient charge separation and transport in polymer solar cells. Read the Whole Article
Read additional articles in the Emerging Techniques for Organic Photovoltaics column

Bo Varga

July 6th, 2011
Nanotechnology Enables Solar Power Advances in 2010 & 2011
Bo Varga
Managing Director, Silicon Valley Nano Ventures

This July, 2011 nano + solar column focuses on emerging & advanced solar technologies including the emerging global R&D role of KAUST in Saudi Arabia, as well as several recent announcements in advanced quantum dot & quantum well technologies & the printing of CIGS type solar cells. My focus is on the business value of technology including manufacturing and application breakthroughs & not on deep technology. Read the Whole Article
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Nanotechnology news from Japan

Martini Tech Inc.

June 2nd, 2014
Alternatives to EUV lithography for sub-10nm patterning
Martini Tech Inc
Martini Tech

Semiconductor volume production using EUV lithography has proved elusive so far due to multiple delays and by lack of a viable light source. But is there any alternative to optical stepper lithography for sub 10-nm patterning? Read the Whole Article
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Nanotechnology in the UK


March 12th, 2014
NanoKTN Graphene Workshop Reports and Recommendations
Fiona Brewer

At the end of 2013, the NanoKTN held two graphene workshops: Building the Supply Chain for Graphene for Electrical and Electronic Applications, hosted by the IOP in London, and a Graphene and Nanofillers for Composites Workshop hosted by the National Composites Centre (NCC) in Bristol.

The aim of both workshops was to consult with industry on the development of graphene, the potential opportunities for UK SMEs, and to offer recommendations for government in terms of funding.
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Eric Drexler

December 26th, 2013
Interview with Dr. Eric Drexler
Brian Lundquist
Publisher, Nanotechnology Now

Interview with Dr. Eric Drexler during his recent book tour for Radical Abundance (PublicAffairs, 2013). Read the Whole Article
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Nanotechnology in Asia


November 25th, 2013
Graphene - Enabling Next Generation Multi-functional Electronics
NanoGlobe Pte Ltd
Nanotechnology Business Development Consultants, NanoGlobe Pte Ltd

To keep up with the demands of next generation electronics that are multi-functional as well as highly responsive, lighter, thinner, flexible, foldable and even wearable and printable on different substrates, we need materials that are as highly conductive as copper, robust as steel, light-weight as plastics, and flexible enough to be applied for curved, 3-D, foldable or wearable products. Read the Whole Article
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Asian Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Association (ANNA)

June 10th, 2010
New Association for Well-Organized Growth of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Asia
Vasudevanpillai Biju
Founder and Chairman, Asian Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Association (ANNA)

I am pleased to announce the launch of Asian Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Association (ANNA), blending of eminent scholars in Asia engaged in research and education on all aspects of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. With the launching of ANNA and Professor Ahmed Zewail, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, at Cal Tech becoming the Honorary President of ANNA, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Asia turn out to be well-organized and take new dimensions. The mission of ANNA is to keep pace with the growing needs for cooperative interactions in the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology areas among researchers in Asian Countries. Our Association will have a major impact not only on education and basic research in Asia, but also on future technology and life standards worldwide. Read the Whole Article
Read additional articles in the Asian Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Association (ANNA) column

International Nanotechnology Opportunities


July 26th, 2013
Nanotechnology for Blue and Green Revolution
Powered by NanoLandGlobal
, Article is from our Authourized Partners

The use of nanoscale structures in technology and medicine has already infiltrated daily life in countless ways. A range of applications in areas of sensors, coatings, hybrid materials, catalysis and biocatalysis and drug delivery are presently exploited. Although there is significant work done on use of nanoparticles in agriculture and aquaculture their use as nutrients in this field is poorly understood. In this article we explore the enormous potential of a patented nanosilica based nano nutrient mixture this PRODUCT on wide range of applications like Bioremediation, Aquaculture and Crop protection.

Please contact for any further clarifications. Read the Whole Article
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Vivek Srivastava

February 19th, 2009
Opportunity for Indian nanotech companies in present economic downturn
Vivek Srivastava

US economy has leaned heavily at services sector for GDP growth in past several years at the cost of primary and industrial economic activity. Going forward US policy makers would be looking to strengthen manufacturing and energy generation locally. This provides an opportunity for Indian service providers and technology development companies to participate in the process and help rationalize the economic portfolio of both the countries Read the Whole Article
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Nanotechnology Tools

Park Systems

July 3rd, 2013
Park Systems Introduces Park NX-HDM: Fully Automated Automatic Defect Review and Sub-Angstrom Surface Roughness for Hard Disk Media and Semiconductor Substrates
Sue. J. Kim
Global Marketing Manager, Park Systems Corp.

(Santa Clara, California, April 9, 2013) - Park Systems, world leader in atomic force microscopy (AFM) for the semiconductor and hard disk markets introduces Park NX-HDM, a fully automated automatic defect review and sub-angstrom surface roughness atomic force microscopy (AFM) system for device substrates and disk media, the first metrology tool capable of providing this level of accuracy and automation. The NX-HDM system sets a new standard for the industry in automatic defect review AFM technology by increasing throughput up to 1000 percent and an offering of 30% higher success rate than prior system, analyzing, identifying and scanning media for all wafer sizes up to 150mm.
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February 25th, 2010
Piezoresponse Force Microscopy: Imaging Materials from Biology through to Electronics
Vladimir Savin

The electro-mechanical coupling behaviour of many materials in systems from bio
based cell membranes and proteins to ferroelectric and piezoelectric electronic materials can now be analysed in great detail via Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM). Read the Whole Article
Read additional articles in the NT-MDT column


December 18th, 2007
Overcoming Challenges in Advanced Semiconductor Imaging & Analysis
Dan Fineberg
FEI Global Marketing Manager, NanoElectroincs, FEI Company

Time is Money in Nano-scale Semiconductor Manufacturing

Today's advanced semiconductors are truly nano-scale devices. For example, the latest generally-available PC processors feature transistor line-widths as small as 45 nm, and process development is underway at leading manufacturers for 32 nm, 22 nm, and even smaller geometries.

The adage, "Time is money" has an overwhelming relevance in the world of volume semiconductor production. Getting to market, enhancing yields and ramping to volume-- faster-- is business-critical, and overcoming the associated nano-scale manufacturing challenges requires sophisticated "forensics." In other words, advanced manufacturing process development and control applications require advanced imaging and analysis tools to characterize defects, analyze failures, and measure critical dimensions.
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Understanding Nanotechnology

Earl Boysen

April 18th, 2013
Farming out your R&D
Earl Boysen
Understanding Nanotechnology

Imagine that there's a market for a material or product with capabilities provided by nanotechnology, but your company doesn't have people with the expertise to develop it. Fortunately other companies have made it their business to perform contract research and development of nanomaterials or nanodevices for you. Read the Whole Article
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Practical Nano-Tech

June 14th, 2012
Use a Multimeter to Measure the Resistance of Carbon Nanotubes
Judith Petterhof

A very interesting look at the use of carbon nanotubes as resistors, and how their resistance can be measured. It provides a practical guide with the basic requirements for the exercise. Read the Whole Article
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National Nanotechnology Manufacturing Center

October 19th, 2010
Upcoming Conference Brings Inventors and Companies Together to Develop Solutions for the Military
Tracy Becker
Operations Manager, National Nanotechnology Manufacturing Center

The Innovation Enterprise 2010 Conference, to be held in Macon GA in November will bring together inventors, prototype makers, manufacturers and the military to find solutions for the military and commercial markets. The organizer of the conference, the National Nanotechnology Manufacturing Center (NNMC), has a government OTA contract to find and develop high-tech solutions for the military, and will use this conference to show attendees how they can work with the NNMC to develop inventions into production. Working under the NNMC's OTA contract eliminates most of the management normally associated with government contracts. Read the Whole Article
Read additional articles in the National Nanotechnology Manufacturing Center column

Nanotechnology and Patents

Francisco Castro, Ph.D., J.D.

May 2nd, 2012
Francisco Castro
Attorney, McAndrews, Held & Malloy

There is a growing overlap between semiconductor technologies and biotechnologies when dealing with nanometer-scale applications. The complexity that arises from this overlap can present challenges in the procurement of intellectual property rights. Read the Whole Article
Read additional articles in the Francisco Castro, Ph.D., J.D. column

Magda Carvalho PhD, JD

June 11th, 2011
In Ex Parte Vyas et al: A Coating thickness measured in nanometers will not necessarily contain nanopores.
Magda Carvalho
Patent Attorney , Patent Law at M. Carvalho

The technology of fuel cell only requires hydrogen and oxygen gas or air fuel to generate electric power. This case before the BPAI involved bipolar plates for a fuel cell hydrophilic that contain nanopores. The BPAI concluded that a reference disclosing a coating layer with nanosized thickness does not necessarily imply that it contain nanopores. Read the Whole Article
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Nanotechnology in Russia

April 20th, 2012
Skolkovo - Russia's ‘scientific capital' to be
Eugene Birger
Principal Analyst,

The strategic goal of the Skolkovo Innovation Centre is to concentrate international intellectual capital, thereby stimulating the development of break-through projects and technologies. In the course of implementation of the project, companies that are engaged in innovative development are discovered. After a selection process, some of these become project participants of the centre. They are provided with all assistance necessary for development. The Skolkovo Foundation and its partners transform the infrastructure, resources and other possibilities of the centre, into effective services for companies that are project participants Read the Whole Article
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Regional Initiatives

Piedmont Triad Partnership

January 9th, 2012
Global Nanotechnology Center Opens in the NC Triad.
Dixon Johnston
EVP, Piedmont Triad North Carolina

So, in December, 2011 a dream formed in 2004 and a concept first promoted in 2006 became reality with the opening of the $64 million Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering in Greensboro, NC. Read the Whole Article
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March 2nd, 2011
Getting our Groove Back in Manufacturing Innovation: Nanomaterials, Green Nanonotechnology and Policy Uncertainty
Skip Rung
President and Executive Director, ONAMI

The U.S. is losing its advanced manufacturing base and also stifling new technology innovation with increasingly wrongheaded and costly regulatory barriers. This is part of the reason nanotechnology has not been the commercial and job-creating success it should be. A focused enabling regulatory approach to green nanotechnology is a possible means of "bending the nano innovation curve up". Read the Whole Article
Read additional articles in the ONAMI column

US-EU-Africa-Asia-Pacific and Caribbean Nanotechnology Initiative (USEACANI)

October 11th, 2010
Journal Nanotechnology Progress International (JONPI): Beyond the limits of innovation:
Ejembi Onah
President, Focus Nanotechnology Africa Inc(FONAI)

Journal Nanotechnology Progress International (JONPI)

Third issue of Journal Nanotechnology Progress International (JONPI) is now out. This issue discusses the crucial areas of nanofiltration, renewable nanoenergy, nanocomposite and nanotech strategy and policy in this emerging revolutionary field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. An example of one of the abstracts of the journal is as below:
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August 24th, 2011
Funding Your Nano Startup
Miles Wright
CEO, Xanofi

our country has well-defined areas where there's just more money and opportunities for new technology companies. States like Texas, Ohio, and even Oklahoma seem to be outpacing my home state of North Carolina when it comes to political leaders realizing the critical importance of seed stage companies in the lifecycle of job creation.

So what are your options if you don't live in Silicon Valley? What are the pros and cons of different strategies that help to minimize under-capitalization?
Read the Whole Article
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Nanotech and Education

Nanoscience Education & Workforce Training

June 10th, 2011
Teaching Nanoscale Science to K-12 Students
Judith Light Feather
President, The NanoTechnology Group Inc

Why do all students have to learn about nanoscale science?

Over the past 15 years I have attempted to answer this question in many ways, sometimes successfully and more often than not, have faced objections from all levels of educators. There are many stumbling blocks placed against inclusion of new areas of science in all grades. Many educators have become complacent teaching only the required standard-based curriculum for students in K-12. Many educators state that students are struggling to learn the basics in these primary subjects and are not competent in passing standardized testing in math, reading and grammar. Therefore, science topics are considered too difficult for them to comprehend at an early age. Getting past this first objection, along with the fact that teachers are overloaded with paperwork, mandatory state and federal testing and do not have time to introduce a new subject, has been an ongoing challenge. The second issue stated by teachers, "They do not know where to insert the resources developed as nanoscale science curriculum into their current teaching matrix. The universities that developed the curriculum did not match it to their current textbooks." Read the Whole Article
Read additional articles in the Nanoscience Education & Workforce Training column

Scenarios and Solutions for a Nano-World

Lifeboat Foundation

June 4th, 2011
Our History Shapes the Future
Tihamer Toth-Fejel
Research Engineer, Novii Systems

American history teachers praise the educational value of Billy Joel's 1980s song ‘We Didn't Start the Fire'. His song is a homage to the 40 years of historical headlines since his birth in 1949.

Which of Joel's headlines will be considered the most important a millennium from now?

This column discusses five of the most important, and tries to make the case that three of them will become irrelevant, while one will be remembered for as long as the human race exists (one is uncertain). The five contenders are:
The Bomb
The Pill
African Colonies
Moonshot Read the Whole Article
Read additional articles in the Lifeboat Foundation column

Nanotechology Policy


March 15th, 2011
Green Chemistry Makes Many See Red
John DiLoreto
CEO/Founder, NanoReg

Green chemistry. What is this savior that will rescue our doomed planet from the evils of toxic chemicals? One basic premise is that they can be eliminated from many products by simply replacing them with non-toxic chemicals. In theory, this would make a nice situation where we would never have to be exposed to toxic substances and the new substances will be safe because we have designed substitutes which will not pose any threat to man nor beast. I remain skeptical but others are convinced this goal is achievable. While I don't claim to be a mystic with the ability to predict the future, I can say with a great deal of confidence that this is going to end badly. Read the Whole Article
Read additional articles in the NanoReg column

Disruptive Technologies

Penman PR

December 8th, 2010
The Cost of Educating Nanotechnologists
Patti D. Hill
CEO / Founder, Penman PR, Inc.

The United States is experiencing rapid growth in nanotechnology activity, and is facing serious workforce challenges in this arena. With the U.S. economy and global competitiveness relying on higher education institutions to produce a STEM educated workforce, it's critical that the cost of education not impede our status as a global contender. Read the Whole Article
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Natasha Vita-More

November 21st, 2010
WE ARE STRONG: Only Insofar As We Take Advantage of Our Innate Abilities and Build Smarter Tools
Natasha Vita-More
MSc, MPhil, PhD Researcher, University of Plymouth, Transhumanism

Humans are animals that build tools to enhance physiology. It is the use of tools that helped to increase the human brain into a larger, more complex system than that of early hominids. "Tools and bigger brains mark the beginning of a distinctly human line of evolution." (Kelly 2010, 22) According to Jared Diamond, early hominids lacked innovation: "In short, Neanderthal tools had no variation in either time or space to suggest that most human characteristics, innovation". (Diamond 2006, 44) What will we do with nanotechnology and AGI? Read the Whole Article
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May 17th, 2010
Pharmaceutical Technology Europe Interview on Nanotechnology in Pharma Industry
Adriana Vela
Founder & Chair, NanotecNexus

Nanotechnology: A lifeline for drying pharma pipelines? Pharmaceutical Technology Europe magazine interviews Adriana Vela on the impact and opportunities/challenges of nanotechnology in the pharma industry. See answers from all panelists at Read the Whole Article
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Nanotechnology for a better world

Neil Gordon

May 2nd, 2010
America Needs a New Strategy for Safe Drinking Water
Neil Gordon
CEO, Early Warning Inc

An estimated 19.5 million Americans, representing about 7% of the entire US population, got sick last year from drinking water containing pathogenic bacteria, viruses and parasites. Countless more consumed water with cancer-causing chemicals, radioactive substances, and nuclear materials. Pathogens and toxins are ending up in tap water from ineffective treatment of contaminated source water, infiltration of contaminants through broken water mains, an absence of government regulations that require drinking water to be adequately tested for multiple pathogens and hundreds of toxic materials, and a lax enforcement of regulations by government officials that allowed over 94% of Clean Water Act violators to avoid fines or significant punishments. Current trends suggest that the problems will intensify. An increase in America's population and related water-intensive industries such as food processing will require even more contaminant-free water, while at the same time pristine water sources are depleting.

Maintaining the status quo will likely lead to a greater number of illnesses from an aging population with an increasing number of sick, immuno-compromised, and malnourished who are less able to fight off pathogens and toxins. This will place a greater burden on the health care system. Rebuilding under-capacity water treatment plants and deteriorating water distribution infrastructure will take decades and approach a trillion dollars nationally in the next 20 years. A more cost-effective solution is to implement a new generation of nanotechnology-based inline sensors that rapidly detect a diverse suite of pathogens and toxins, along with updated regulations and meaningful enforcement. This will allow water operators to more quickly identify dangerous contaminants and take actions to prevent contaminated water from reaching consumers. With a network of sensors providing precise information about the sources of infiltration, water administrators would be able to prioritize major infrastructure projects by measuring the potential health benefit versus the cost of prospective investments.
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NanoTech for Defense & Intelligence


April 14th, 2010
The military is all over Nanotechnology
Kevin Coleman
Technology Analyst

The military was early to appreciate the significant potential of nanotechnology. In fact, the military has spent more money on nanotechnology research than for any other area. This investment is beginning to pay off. Read the Whole Article
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Nanotechnology in Space

Jim Egan

February 12th, 2010
Sun Blind
Jim Egan
Principal Partner, Ferrumar

Nanotech in space can provide mankind with a range of timely, cost-effective and multi-use enabling technologies to mitigate climate change. One approach is described below. Read the Whole Article
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Maximizing progress and benefits of Nanotechnology

Brian Wang

February 5th, 2010
DARPA Project Highlights for 2010-2011
Brian Wang
Z1 Consulting

DARPA has several projects that will accelerate the development of more advanced nanotechnology. There is Tip-Based Nanofabrication, Nanoscale/Bio-inspired and MetaMaterials, Fundamentals of Nanoscale and Emergent Effects and Engineered Devices and more. Read the Whole Article
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September 13th, 2009
Ethics of Human Enhancement: 25 Questions & Answers
Patrick Lin
Director, Ethics + Emerging Sciences Group

In our recent NSF-funded report, excerpted here, we examine many ethical and social issues surrounding human en-hancement technologies. No matter where one is aligned on this issue, it is clear that the human enhancement debate is a deeply passionate and personal one, striking at the heart of what it means to be human. Some see it as a way to fulfill or even transcend our potential; others see it as a darker path towards becoming Frankenstein's monster. To help untangle this debate, we have organized this report as the following list of questions and answers, starting with background issues and moving to specific concerns, including: freedom & autonomy, health & safety, fairness & equity, societal disruption, and human dignity.
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Atomic Layer Deposition


June 4th, 2009
Harnessing the energy of the sun: Developing 3-D nano-scale solutions
Dr Ville Miikkulainen
Project Manager, Picosun Oy

Theoretical potential of solar power covers current global energy needs 2,850 times over. The real promise of renewable energy lies with the sun. According to industry estimates, thin film solar cells will dominate the photovoltaic market in the future and replace bulk silicon from its current leading position. Photovoltaics is entering the wholesale electricity market and the following decade will see it explode. Only the best thin-film technologies will be able to spearhead such an explosion. Finnish-based leading global manufacturer of Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) reactors Picosun Oy ( is one of only four industry partners of a European Union funded solar energy project called ROD-SOL. The aim of the project is to revolutionize solar energy markets with a new concept of nano-scale thin-film light traps. Read the Whole Article
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Nano Emerging

Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies

May 27th, 2009
The Rise of the Molecular Economy
David Rejeski
Director, Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies

Today's molecular economy, where info-, nano-, and bio-technology converge, has the potential to yield great advances in all sectors, including medicine and energy, through the use of a new constructivist toolkit and a new recipe book. This creative convergence sounds exciting, but scientific advance and technological innovation do not come without some risks. Our regulatory agencies need to study the recipe book that is driving change on the technological frontier and stop re-heating yesterday's meals. Read the Whole Article
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Real Nano/MEMS Products Today

Bourne Research

April 29th, 2009
Let's Take a Walk on the Wild Side

Thanks to ongoing advances in nanomaterials and MEMS sensors, the field of robotics continues to evolve and just keeps getting cooler. Forget the six million dollar man - how about a bionic penguin instead? Read the Whole Article
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Clean Energy


March 17th, 2009
Lithium-Ion Battery Research
Suber Iyer
Principal Technologist, QuantumSphere Inc

Commercially introduced in the early 1990s, lithium-ion batteries exhibited an annual market penetration rate of 25%, replacing less energy dense nickel metal hydride batteries. A typical commercial Li-ion battery has a specific energy of about 200Wh/kg, while some more advanced systems reached a specific energy exceeding 275 Wh/kg. Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries are the power source of choice in present-day electronic devices, such as laptop computers, cell phones, smart phones, cameras, and many more. Additionally, they are becoming a viable option for hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and plug-in electric hybrid vehicles (PHEVs).
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Kos Galatsis

January 20th, 2009
The Eyes and Ears of Nanotechnology
Kos Galatsis
Chief Operating Officer, FENA and WIN Centers, UCLA

In the push for ubiquitous nanotechnology in the 21st century, may of us take for granted the science and technology that takes place behind the scenes. To make useful nanoproducts, one generally requires a) advanced nanomaterials, b) sophisticated fabrication tools and processes and c) integrated metrology tools and modeling. Let's look at the eyes and ears of nanotechnology, that being "metrology". Read the Whole Article
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Alberta & the Future of Nanotechnology

Bo Varga

December 2nd, 2007
Nanotechnology Applications for Oil, Gas, Petrochemicals: November 2007
Bo Varga
Managing Director, Silicon Valley Nano Ventures

The real impact of nanotechnology on energy production, distribution, and consumption through 2050 at least will be in the traditional energy sector. Clean Energy growth starts from a very small installed based and will still be a small percentage of global energy supply in 2050.

This column outlines some contributions of nano to traditional energy industries, especially the petrochemical - oil, gas, and olefin (plastics) production as well as for fuels & lubricants.
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Nanotechnology Industries Association

Steffi Friedrichs

August 7th, 2007
Deciphering Nanotechnology Codes
Steffi Friedrichs
Director, Nanotechnology Industries Association

The Nanotechnology Industries Association( ) has started the development of a Code of Conduct for organisations working with nanotechnologies ( ), as part of a large multi-stakeholder Code working group, which includes the chemical company BASF, Unilever, Smith & Nephew, the consumer group Which?, development NGO Practical Action and Amicus. The Founding Partners of this so-called ‘Responsible NanoCode' represent major players in the area of nanotechnologies and -technologies, including The Royal Society ( ), a authority in science and technology, Insight Investment ( ), one of the UK's largest asset managers, and the Nanotechnology Industries Association ( ), globally the largest nanotechnology trade association, and the only one with an exclusive focus on the nanotechnology industries. Read the Whole Article
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Nanotechnology for Every-Day-Life in India

Shiva Balivada

January 24th, 2009
Plastic and Nano - A Brand new image
Shiva Prasad Balivada
Founder, Managing Director & CEO, Vi NanoTech

Plastics are an integral part of our every-day-use in our lives.... Be it in the home or away from home we see many of the applications lose their original color due to wear and tear / lack of proper cleaning cycles.... Just imagine you are able to just bring in the new image by cleaning with a wet cloth.... it is possible now.... Read the Whole Article
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