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Home > Press > nGimat Awarded US Department of Energy Phase I to Develop Electrode Nanomaterials for Lithium-ion Batteries

The US Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded nGimat a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I to develop electrode nanomaterials for high-performance Lithium-ion batteries that will be used to power the next generation of hybrid-electric vehicles (HEV). In the award notification the DOE stated "this project will develop a critical component of Lithium-ion batteries that will power next generation Hybrid Electric Vehicles. Automobiles powered by batteries containing this component will reduce our dependence on foreign oil, [reduce] pollution caused by harmful automobile emissions, and strengthen global competitiveness of the U.S. automobile industry".

nGimat Awarded US Department of Energy Phase I to Develop Electrode Nanomaterials for Lithium-ion Batteries

Atlanta, GA | Posted on July 15th, 2008

To this end, nGimat will use its proprietary NanoSpray CombustionTM process to develop nanomaterials that are expected to have significantly higher power-density than conventional Lithium-ion batteries and significantly higher energy-density than conventional Nickel-Metal Hydride batteries that are currently in use in HEVs. The NanoSpray Combustion process has been widely used to develop a variety of metal-oxide and metal-phosphate nanomaterials and nGimat will now extend the process in a cost effective manner to develop high-performance electrode nanomaterials for the next generation of Lithium-ion batteries.

In the Phase I effort, nGimat will develop a family of metal-oxide based anode materials that will be optimized for power density. The performance of these materials will be demonstrated in prototype batteries. Potential Phase II and Phase III programs would focus on scaling up production of the nanomaterials, developing larger Lithium-ion batteries and developing strategic alliances with our customer industry partners.

Through its core technology of NanoSpray Combustion Processing, nGimat is a cost-effective manufacturer and innovator of nanoEngineered MaterialsSM in the following areas: nanopowders, thin films and devices. The Company currently has a portfolio of 46 U.S. patents, 71 non-U.S. patents, and is processing about 65 patent applications.


About nGimat
nGimat Co. is a leading nanoengineered materials provider of customized and affordable solutions to critical business needs. By working closely with customers to define their needs, nGimat can create never before attained product enhancements through the unique performance of its nanomaterials. As an intellectual property company, nGimat manufactures engineered nanomaterials in the following areas: nanopowders, thin film coatings, and devices. nGimat's NanoSpraySM Combustion Process technology enables synthesis of thin films and nanoparticles. These processes are easily scalable and amenable to mass manufacturing, thereby enabling low-cost production of engineering materials with controlled composition, size, and morphology.

For more information, please click here

nGimat Co.
5315 Peachtree Industrial Blvd.
Atlanta, GA 30341

Copyright © nGimat

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