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to almost every business and organisation.
February 24th, 2012
Nanotechnology & The Food Sector
Let's start with Transport. Farmer's Pride had a small transport fleet of 13 vehicles. They had no idea then that it was possible to reduce our fuel use by 11%, or to reduce our vehicle wash cycles by 50%. Nowadays we can simply make vehicle engines much more efficient by adding a ceramic Nano coatings to the engine, (not a oil additive) so that engine wear stops and engine efficiency and power are maximised.
Environmental issues were not so hot two decades ago, but now using nanotechnology we can
reduce diesel soot by 70%, and lower maintenance costs significantly. We can even place a
"Nano glue" into vehicle tyres, preserving the correct tyre pressure for the life of the tyre and preventing punctures. Great! No more punctures! Correct tyre pressure reduces fuel burn and increases tyre shelf life, in addition to making vehicles safer on the road.
Keeping vehicles new looking and clean every day is good for Brand and compliance. Using
nanotechnology, we can seal the vehicle body-work, (windscreen and wheel-arches included) with a invisible thin film coating (50, 000 times thinner than the diameter of a human hair), which will cause a self-cleaning effect, keeping the paintwork sealed and vehicle new looking for the life of the asset.
In fact windscreens can be made safer for night driving in rain, using these nano-coatings. Washing cycles can be reduced by 50%, water usage by 40% and aggressive cleaning chemicals by 100%. The business wins financially and environmentally and the warehouse, prep-rooms and cold store units can all be coated to deflect dirt and bacteria. Thus the food working environment is looking better, cleaner, safer at less cost.
These thin film coatings and varnishes can add compelling value to fridges and refrigerated trucks also. By coating a wall of a fridge with a nano-coated solution, insulation is increased by up to 40%, without adding major weight. Imagine the savings if every refrigerated truck on the road today was aware of this simple fuel saving insulation technology!
Light efficiency and energy costs can be high too. Nanotechnology is under trials at London Underground to help keep tube lighting free of dirt and soot. Hygiene maintenance costs for one bulb can amount to between £600 to £1000, and when you have 3m to 4m units to clean every six months, costs can become extortionate. These trials have shown that light reflectors can also be enhanced to deflect better light, without additional energy.
Packaging can be enhanced using nanotechnology. It is generally the case that mushrooms etc are packaged in plastic, because if one uses cardboard, the moisture from the mushroom is extracted by the cardboard, causing damage and soiling to the mushroom. However plastic is an environmental negative. By coating the cardboard with nanofluids, one can make cardboard act like plastic with nominal costs. Indeed, a nano-trial will soon start to block the negative effects of cancerous ink seepage from recycled paper and thus cardboard boxes.
Imagine if every plastic or wood pallet in circulation was nano-coated to kill bacteria, and protect the asset itself.
The REACH regulations have impacted the organic grower, removing many chemicals that hitherto were considered toxic to man and beast.
Again Nano technologies are offering new possibilities to add bio-friendly coatings that repel insects and rodents alike. Tests are underway using nanotechnology to show better ways to repel red mite in poultry farms, to preventing hares, rabbits, rodents and deer digesting valuable vegetation.
Every surface can be enhanced and protected using nano smart fluids. Food processing units: walls, roofs, fat filters, staff uniforms, boots, every surface area can be made mildew and bacteria repellent or easy clean. Fabrics and textiles can be stain-proof, high-visibility jackets dirt repellent, conveyor-belts antimicrobial. Food companies can reduce the amounts of cleaning time and aggressive chemicals deployed, helping reduced costs and becoming more Green.
Any food company producing biodegradable waste can now economically turn that waste into good quality fertilizer or pellets for energy creation. Waste is now a asset.
Often where food is processed, water is deployed, causing a risk to electronic machinery like weighing scales, lights, computers and fridges. Again Nano-varnish coatings can protect all electronic cabling and equipment from moisture, water and dampness, and protect against corrosion and electrical problems.
Perhaps one of the greatest inventions still awaiting exploitation by the food sector is the fact that every item within the food sector that has a solid, non reflective surface carries a unique ID!
Forget the costs of RFID and Barcodes! Every piece of paper, cardboard, plastic, any solid structure at the molecular surface level , has a unique topography which can be scanned by standard radar scanner and thus fed into a database. It is seemingly impossible to recreate that Nano signature, so this innovation insight should solve all counterfeit and traceability issues forever!
Perhaps soon you will scan that Toulouse Sausage and see if it came from Leeds!
Companies need to be awake to the massive opportunities now unfolding via nanotechnologies. Soon we will have an entire new concept of aroma emitting food labels, electronics that repair and deliver services, energy storage on a pinhead, medical cell repair and disease prevention, rather than cure.
Even established industries like coal mining are starting to innovate and learn how to make poor quality coal burn better than anthracite with zero emissions.
Soon perhaps the unproductive dessert will hold water and cultivate crops.
We are here to help you benefit from these new and amazing technologies. Simply tell us what you need to achieve.
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NanoLandGlobal…..Our raison d'être
NanoLandGlobal are launching a NanoLand business entity in every country, with stakeholders created in US, Central America, Ireland, UK, Turkey, South Africa, Ghana, Baltic States, Serbia, Italy, Korea, China, India. We have requests pouring in from Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, France, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Switzerland, Israel, GCC and the list is growing daily.
Our partner network will be offered the following services by us:
1. Access to unique range of smart fluid technology
2. Application Instructions & Training
3. New Products & Services
4. Health & Safety Information
5. Direct contact with Specialists
6. Business Leads and New Markets
7. Networking through Industry Alliance (GAINSS)
8. Trade Website & Information
9. Funding & Legal Advice services
NanoLandGlobal are a solution sales organisation, identifying areas of application for nanotechnology, matching solutions to problems, mainly for business stakeholders. We work with small, medium and large companies globally to fast track new technology, enhance efficiency, up productivity and innovation, whilst focusing on safety, Footprint, best practice environmentally and sustainability.
Needless to say, we are not just money motivated, but strive to introduce technologies that better humanity and Society. Thus safer agriculture, humane livestock and farming, improved industrial and commercial processes, cleaner supply-chains. Hence we look to increase food and industrial productivity deploying less resources, reduce wastage by better recycling, lower pollution, enhanced processes across every aspect of commerce, from light and energy efficiency to disease prevention and cleaner transport & construction.
By adopting safe Nano techniques, we eliminate risk around nanotechnology. We're not interested in messing with the building blocks of life, changing the essence of atoms and molecules! We deploy tools and expertise around nanotechnology that manipulate the Nano-scale, to understand the secrets of Nature herself, and thus drive innovation for today's companies for positive value. Hence we strive to create new solutions to reduce, for example, the menace of insect or rodent damage by using methods created by Nature over millennium.
We help forestry organisations protect young trees from damage, organic growers suffer less seed wastage, enhanced disease methodologies for livestock, improved air, nutrition for city dwellers and better food chain packaging and techniques with less cancer risk and less aggressive chemical usage for everyone. Companies that deploy cleaner and more efficient processes that look to better The Environment and Life generally for citizens are in alignment for future success and reward.
Our strategy at NLG is to dovetail the value of nanotechnology generally, with environmental and sustainable best practice, business process efficiency and energy enhancement. We have the knowledge and commercial base to provide a win-win relationship with stakeholders. With an increasing network of Nano specialists working with us, NLG are in a strong position to help companies and organizations exploit the value of emerging technology now and in the future.
Our Journey has just begun. Acquisition of data on the manufactures that will form the supply to our NanoLand Country Partners has been achieved. Many consultants who will form the members of Global Association of Independent Nano-scale Surface Specialists (GAINSS) have been contacted. Some of the NanoLand Country Partners have been identified in major markets to reach the end-customers. As a futuristic move we have identified the creation of Regional NanoLabs which will support the propagation of usage of Positive Safe Nanotechnology across the Globe.
We are at the beginning of an exciting and enormous development project. We have identified a number of specific trade products and requirements that are enabling our partners globally to focus on driving revenue forward. These Nano products save companies real operating costs, help with C02 Footprint, Supply Chain Compliance and offer numerous environmental benefits for every business and organization across the planet, by helping to:
• Reduce water usage and automate safe drinking water
• Remove aggressive cleaning chemicals
• Stop environmental depreciation and Footprint
• Cut emissions and pollutants
• Enhance energy efficiency, minimizing waste
• Reduce mechanical wear and material consumption
• Open doors for new cleaner products and revenue
• Improve health, food production, resources
Many companies and organizations are aware of the benefits of going green. However many are still unaware of how nanotechnology can turn them into profitable and responsible operations overnight, simply by adopting incremental changes, using nanotechnology and related emerging technology. NLG is being launched to pioneer the effort in "Green Economics" and "Green Electronics". Let us show you some great technologies working.
Imagine, Imagine, Imagine
Chairs that never get wet!
Shutters that block vibration
Wallpaper that eats offensive smells
Fluids that generate aroma for functional value
Insect and animal repellents using atoms in nature
Toothbrushes that don't need toothpaste, battery power or electricity, but automatically brush teeth!
The Innovation list is endless; we focus on adding value for our clients
We welcome the opportunity to collaborate.
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