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IEST Announces Two Technical Scholarships


Rolling Meadows, IL | Posted on February 22, 2006

The Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST) announces that two scholarships will be offered to two full-time students in the educational programs of science or engineering. The winners will be announced at the 52nd annual technical meeting and exposition of IEST, to be held May 7-10, 2006 at the Hyatt Regency Phoenix in Phoenix, Arizona.

The Eugene Borson Scholarship, in the amount of $500, is offered annually by IEST for the best original technical paper(s) written by a student in a topic related to the environmental sciences in connection with controlled environments, particularly through contamination control and nanotechnologies, in which products and equipment are manufactured, processed, or tested. Eugene (Gene) Borson was a Fellow of IEST, and was a leader in the field of aerospace environmental and contamination control engineering until his death in 2005. He had a long and distinguished career and was a source of inspiration through his dedication and technical expertise. The Eugene Borson Memorial Scholarship was established by IEST in grateful appreciation of his service.

The Park Espenschade Memorial Scholarship, in the amount of $500, is awarded offered by IEST for the best original technical paper(s) written by a student in a topic related to the environmental sciences. “Environmental sciences” is used by IEST in connection with the effects on equipment and machinery of natural, indoor, and extreme environments which may occur under various aerospace, marine, and climatic conditions; and simulating environments to better trace and predict those effects. Park Espenschade was a member of IEST. At his death in 1976, the Park Espenschade Education Fund was established to honor Park Espenschade’s enthusiasm, energy, devotion, and commitment to the education and training of young people in the environmental sciences.

To be eligible for consideration for the scholarships, a student must be entering sophomore year or above in an accredited institution, provide proof that he/she is enrolled full-time in an accredited institution, be pursuing a degree with a major or minor in science or engineering, and have attained a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in most recent semester. No more than one paper may be submitted per applicant. The official application form, the paper, and all supplemental material must be sent to IEST by March 15, 2006.

Founded in 1953, IEST is an international technical society of engineers, scientists, and educators that serves its members and the industries they represent (simulating, testing, controlling, and teaching the environments of earth and space) through education and the development of recommended practices and standards.

IEST is an ANSI-accredited standards-developing organization; Secretariat of ISO/TC 209 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments; Administrator of the ANSI-accredited US TAG to ISO/TC 209; and a founding member of the ANSI-accredited US TAG to ISO/TC 229 Nanotechnologies.

For further information regarding ESTECH 2006 and the scholarships, visit the IEST website at or call (847) 255-1561.


About the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST):
Founded in 1953, IEST is an international technical society of engineers, scientists, and educators that serves its members and the industries they represent (simulating, testing, controlling, and teaching the environments of earth and space) through education and the development of recommended practices and standards.

IEST is an ANSI-accredited standards-developing organization; Secretariat of ISO/TC 209 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments; Administrator of the ANSI-accredited US TAG to ISO/TC 209; and a founding member of the ANSI-accredited US TAG to ISO/TC 229 Nanotechnologies.

For more information, please click here.

Heather Dvorak
Marketing Associate
5005 Newport Drive, Suite 506
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-3841
Phone: (847) 255-1561
Fax: (847) 255-1699

Copyright © IEST

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