Reviewer: A reader from Brookline, Mass., USA

"I am a general user of computer systems, and not schooled in nanoscience at all. What a relief to see that there's a book out there that can explain this emerging field to me! Not only is the book easy to read, it's fascinating, with a review of in-depth nan inventions, business aspects, and a general review of chemistry which is great because I had forgotten how it all fits together.

I would recommend this book to the average user that wants to know about this science-it is really easy to read and it makes the entire science clear-I was not aware of the science before this except for general rumors of nanobots. It is a refreshing look at a science that has, until now, been under-reported."

Reviewer: A reader from Chicago, Ill., USA

"OK, the Internet boom is over. It looks like nano tech will be the next boom, and it will last a while. I wanted a book that would give me a good into to nano tech, but not be a dry read. This book is an excelent overview of the technology, and how it might be used. I really liked the color photos. In case you are wondering (I was), the thing on the cover is a "Nano Tube". It is very small, and very cool!!"

The Barnes & Noble Review

Nanotechnology is hot. But once you get past the hype, what exactly is nanotech? How does it work? What nanotech products and applications are already out there? Which technological breakthroughs are most exciting? What nanotechnologies look like sure bets; which are long shots? How does nanotech fit into computing? Into biotech? Into manufacturing and defense? And what might be the ethical implications of devices small enough to go anywhere, see anything, even hide beneath the “radar” of your immune system?

Oh, and could you answer all those questions in plain English?

Mark and Dan Ratner have done just that, in Nanotechnology: A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big Idea.

This isn’t just a journalist’s speculation. Mark Ratner, the “Father of Molecular Electronics,” is one of the world’s leading nanotech researchers, and winner of the field’s leading scientific award, the Feynman Prize.

But, unlike many treatments of nanotech, this book isn’t just about the science. It covers the business, engineering, and social implications, too. And it isn’t about just one corner of nanotech, such as nanobots. It covers the waterfront: quantum computing, biostructures, nanotubes, molecular motors, nanosensors, you name it. To really understand our tiny future, start right here. Bill Camarda is a consultant, writer, and web/multimedia content developer.

From the Publisher

Nanotech for everyone! The friendly, non-technical guide to the next industrial revolution.

  • Discover the world's next $1 trillion industry!
  • The easy-to-understand guide to nanoscale technology, science, business, and ethics
  • Today's hottest nanotech research and tomorrow's hottest applications
  • Nanobots, quantum and DNA computing, nanosensors, neuro-electronic interfaces, and much more
  • Insider's assessment of the nanotechnology marketplace and investment opportunities

By 2015, nanotechnology could be a $1 trillion industry. Now, renowned nanotech pioneer Mark Ratner and technology entrepreneur Daniel Ratner show you how nanotech works, why it's so exciting, what's new, and what's next. They survey the entire field—technology and business—covering nanobots, molecular electronics, quantum computing, biostructures, nanotubes, molecular motors, nanosensors, and many other breakthrough applications. They provide easy-to-understand explanations of every key concept, plus dozens of visuals that bring nanotechnology to life. Coverage includes:

  • A simple, brief, almost math-free introduction to nanotech science
  • "Grand tour" of nanotech R&D, from "smart materials" to DNA computing
  • Breakthrough biomedical applications, including neuro-electronic interfaces and new drug delivery systems
  • Current and emerging nanotech systems for optoelectronics and communications
  • Nanotech here and now: nano-enhanced tennis balls, suntan lotions, and other products already in the market
  • A realistic assessment of nanotech investment opportunities for the short- and long-term
  • associated with nanotech research and product development